Transcription Online Training
Information For Home Study, Distance Education Courses
and welcome to my web site for information about pursuing a career
in medical transcription. You are probably here because you are interested
in independent educational "study at home programs" for
medical transcription. Your thoughts on researching this profession
may have started with a desire to be able to work from your own home.
I always thought it be wonderful to work from your home and still
have lots of quality time to spend with your family. You would not
need to commute to an office every day. A professional medical transcription
education prepares you to seek work for an MT company that allows
for this type of remote position. You may choose part-time or full-time
hours and different shift schedules.
Another creative idea is to start your own transcription business.
It may sound great to be your own boss and schedule your own hours.
I invite you to click
here to view a wonderful eBook, "The
Step-by-Step Guide To Medical Transcription at Home," by
Michele Miller. The book provides valuable information about starting
your own transcription business and offers great educational information,
including chart formatting and sample reports. Medical transcription
graduates have prepared skills to seek their career goals. MT learning
programs have the potential to change your life in a very positive
Some moms choose medical transcription as their primary career so
they can stay home and raise their children, as well as have a prestigious
medical profession. Some women enjoy the flexible schedules because
they may have additional responsibilities, such as caring for their
elderly parents part-time. A few people seek work at home opportunities
because they feel it is much less stressful for them. MT's may also
work in hospitals, doctor's offices, clinics, insurance companies
and national MT companies.
Is The Job Description Of A Medical Transcriptionist?
A medical transcriptionist transcribes physician dictated medical
reports, usually onto computer files for patients' charts for a healthcare
system. She needs to know the proper medical terminology, correct
grammar usage, knowledge of common diseases, tests, procedures and
medications. Knowledge and understanding of the body systems is very
helpful. The transcriptionist needs to be familiar with the proper
formatting of the different medical reports. The following are names
Information Do You Learn In Medical Transcription Educational Courses
To Prepare You For The Work?
The following information is a short mini-tutor I created to help
give you a general overview of material that may be presented in a
medical transcription course.
How To Use Medical Resource Reference Books
Learning how to use a variety of medical resources is very important.
Below is a current list of books that I have at home for use as medical
references. The books I list are just some examples.
- Stedman's Medical Speller (Third Edition)
- Sloane's Medical Word Book (Fourth Edition)
- Taber's Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary
- Quick Look Drug Book
- Vera Pyle's Current Medical Terminology (Eighth Edition)
- H & P: A Nonphysician's Guide to the Medical History and Physical
- Physicians' Desk Reference
- Medical Transcription: Fundamentals and Practice (Second Edition)
Distance education courses may present their information in a modular
format, in a step-by-step orderly fashion. Please click
here to view the complete information on the Virtual
Learning Center's Medical Transcription program. They offer several
self-paced, online distance education courses. The study courses at
a variety of schools may cover the following categories that I list
below, along with some examples. They may call their different sections
of learning materials modules or units.
It is usual practice to have available online instructors for grading
assignments, tests, answering questions and mentoring the students.
Listed below are some generalized areas of subject material that may
be incorporated in an MT program. I made the list to be helpful as
an overview of possible information that may be taught in various
MT courses.
To Medical Transcription:
Proper Grammar Usage, Punctuation, Capitalization, Abbreviations,
Numbers, Numerals, And Correct Spelling For Medical Terms And Their
Medical capitalization is routinely necessary
for allergies on charting.
Headings and subheadings of medical reports are routinely capitalized.
Listed below are some common headings of reports.
Medical abbreviations are used for correct
transcription of medication administration.
p.r.n. - as needed
p.o. - by mouth
q.d. - every day
q.i.d. - four times a day
t.i.d. - three times a day
b.i.d. - twice a day
q.6h. - every six hours
q.8h. - every eight hours
q.12h. - every twelve hours
Initials or abbreviations
for some procedures, tests and other medical terms are important to
learn. Below are some common examples:
EKG - electrocardiogram
EEG - electroencephalogram
CBC - complete blood count
CABG - coronary artery bypass graft
AIDS - acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
NPO - nothing by mouth
HEENT - head, ears, eyes, nose, throat
BUN - blood urea nitrogen
UTI - urinary tract infection
MRI - magnetic resonance imaging
CNS - central nervous system
PERRLA - pupils equal round reactive
to light and accommodation
There are proper symbols to use for transcription
of vital signs and also sutures. Examples are listed below.
PULSE: 70/min.
4-0 silk (suture)
2-0 chromic suture
#16 FR catheter
The urine specific gravity was 1.016.
There is a certain way to transcribe numbers
and numerals. Examples:
Cranial nerves II-XII were intact.
The patient has a 4 cm stage I decubitus ulcer.
The patient has 2+ edema in her right ankle.
Vision is 20/20 in the right eye.
Tylenol #3 q.6h. p.r.n. for pain.
The exact size of an area, growth or mass is transcribed for example:
The decubitus ulcer measured 2 x 4 cm.
The sponge count was correct x 2.
There are certain abbreviations used for specific laboratory tests.
Hb-hemoglobin or transcribed hemoglobin
Hct-hematocrit or transcribed hematocrit
WBC-white blood count
Hyphens are used routinely with some
common phrases. Examples:
The patient was a 35-year-old female admitted with a history of chest
The 50-year-old Caucasian female was admitted for shortness of breath
and wheezing.
She was admitted for right-sided chest pain.
The patient went for a chest x-ray.
She must go to her family physician for follow-up one week following
her discharge.
The patient was evaluated for second-and-third degree burns to her
right leg.
The patient was a well-developed 20-year-old female in no acute distress.
The Body Systems
Learning the different body systems, along with some biology, anatomy,
normal and abnormal physiology is also important. You may also learn
a variety of disease conditions. Examples below are some body systems:
Nervous System
Cardiovascular System
Respiratory System
Musculoskeletal System
Integumentary System
Endocrine System
Urinary System
Reproductive System
Digestive System
About Diagnostic Medical Test And Procedures, Including Laboratory
Test And X-rays
Learning The Medical Specialties
Internal Medicine
Obstetrics and Gynecology
Pharmacology Including Brand And Generic Names of Medication And Common
There are many helpful medical references to use, such as: the Physicians'
Desk Reference (PDR), Quick Look Drug Book and more.
Correct Formatting And Transcription Styles
The specific chart formatting and transcription styles for the different
reports are usually included in the courses. I will not go into much
detail at this time. Each medical facility or doctor's office may
have a certain format they use in their practice.
Assistance After Graduation
Upon successful completion of your MT course, your program may offer
some assistance with helping you find employment. They may have employment
workshops or provide you access into their job database. I am familiar
with a distance education program that does exactly that for their
successful students. Click
here for information on the VLC
medical transcription courses.
Many work from home medical transcription companies allow you to
test for them online after graduation (sometimes they require some
working experience). Each MT company usually has a web site which
contains a wealth of employment information.
I certainly hope you enjoyed this introduction to medical transcription
education. I wish everyone great success and a prestigious, professional
medical career in the transcription field. Please visit my web site
often to access additional MT learning information and to keep up
with the current and future news regarding online distance education.
Be Happy and Keep Learning!
P.S. Don't forget to check out
the tutor section. Also, if you'd like to
learn more about me, please click here. |